Follow me pls

It Follows is a story of mystery and intrigue. Who or what is “IT” exactly? The movie never revolves around the identity of “IT” but rather how the characters play around the rules of its chase. There was never a basis of how the rules came to be but it never really mattered. “IT” works like the game Slender Man who slowly but surely chases you down, and you have to make sure you have more than one exit or escape is impossible. How “IT” kills you is never known, and it’s shown to never really attack anyone but its target unless they appear to prevent “IT” from going for the kill. “IT” also takes various forms, appearing as a little girl, someone’s mom, a naked woman, a tall man, etc. The fact that it can change forms shows that it can take on many disguises so as to be conspicuous. You never know if the person behind you is a regular person or “IT.” This proves that “IT” is sentient, capable of taking a form that does the most damage to a person, psychologically tormenting them in the process of the chase. The target can also change from one person to another through sex, a sexually transmitted curse or STC if you will. Why this is the method of transference is unknown but that’s simply the way it is.

The movie starts with a random victim running away, most likely because of “IT” but the next scene shows a gruesome but mysterious death by the beach. We see the next scene show our main character, Jay, as she swims in the pool but this isn’t what matters. What matters is how the guy she is dating is a target of “IT.” He successfully transfers the curse to our main character and even tells her the rules of the chase, so he won’t be chased down. His logic goes like: If she survives, he won’t be a target anymore and therefore he survives. It’s up to her choice whether she’ll transfer “IT”’s target to someone else. The final confrontation against “IT” is an attempt to end its killing spree. Yet we see “IT” take a form that makes it difficult for them to stop it. “IT” takes the form of Jay’s deceased father. They plan to make it fall to the water and electrocute it with appliances. We see that they were successful in doing so as the pool becomes insanely soaked in what appears to be blood since it’s red.

The movie sort of blends with the idea of long lasting consequences after coitus mainly due to the fact that only the one being chased can see “IT”. Jay, appearing naïve about the world, tries to figure out how to deal with life post-sex and how she tries to cope with it. As if sex is the be-all and end-all, we can say that sex is the solution or the entry point to adulthood and away from juvenile ideas as Yara has put it “your soul will leave your body and you will no longer be a person” as if saying that sex is beyond the physical and somewhat enters the spiritual level or how the movie portrays it, the supernatural level. “IT” is a form of vague fear and questioning of what to do after sex and possibly deal with coping with regrettable sex. The fact that the final confrontation with “IT” appearing as Jay’s dead father sort of supports this claim as the father being the guiding light and disciplinarian to what is right or wrong, is the final confrontation of going beyond the confines of her parents as Jay enters adulthood and tries to learn the ways of the world on her own.

It Follows is a movie that wasn’t intended to be a shocker, but rather a movie that builds up the creepy factor as the movie progresses. The unknown identity of “IT” makes it creepier as you never really know if it’s a ghost, a demon, an alien, or whatever. But it treats the chase as something that is of splendor, slowly but surely someone will die as one mistake can be fatal. I give the movie a rating of 9/10 as it shows a great movie that revolves not on the main characters, but their interaction with “IT.” Additionally the ending was amazing, where the characters turn back and proceed walking non-chalantly with the camera following the main characters as we question is the person behind the camera simple a random person walking behind them? Or is “IT” still following?

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